QPASS (Meow Wolf Convergence Station)

Story tech for Meow Wolf Denver.

Omega Access (Meow Wolf Las Vegas)

Story tech for Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart.

Playable City Sandbox 2023

Advising the development of 6 playable prototypes pushing the boundaries of creative technology.

Dreams (Sony PlayStation)

A digital creativity suite for making games, films, and music, all on the PlayStation.

BAFTA YGD Idea Generator x Dreams

A creativity tool for rapid idea generation created with Dreams, in partnership with BAFTA.

Ikea x Dreams

A series of creative Twitch streams exploring the future of gaming.

Toronto Raptors/Maple Leafs x Dreams

Play has no limits.

John Lewis Digital Holiday Ad

Teaming up with Yahoo! and John Lewis to create a shoppable, interactive holiday ad.

Brand New Planet x Dr. Brian Cox

A game jam and stream in collaboration with the BBC and Dr. Brian Cox's series "Universe."

Quiz Night: Mercedes-Benz Imagined Futures

Quiz Night is game jam project I co-developed with Media Molecule and Mercedes-Benz for their Imagined Futures initiative.

London Fashion Week x Dreams

A new universe for digital fashion creators.

League of American Orchestras Conference

A month-long online conference for orchestra leaders and musicians.

Rolls Royce Dream Commission

The Rolls Royce Dream Commission, in partnership with The Serpentine and Fundacion Beyeler.

Digital Economies Lab

The Digital Economies Lab was a research project focused on new economic models and tools for artists working with technology.


GIFT is an EU-funded research project in which I led a consortium of 10 international museums in an 18-month design-research p

Creative Producers International

In 2017, I received a 3 year fellowship, granted by Watershed and Playable City.

The Experimental Research Lab

I co-founded and lab-managed the Experimental Research Lab (ERL) at Autodesk’s Pier 9 Workshop.