I led a cross-functional team of designers, executives, and comms professionals as we teamed up with BBC to promote their new series Universe, starring Dr. Brian Cox.
Brian Cox is a much-beloved celebrity-scientist, academic, and presenter. When we found out that him and his team were interested in teaming up with Mm to promote his new space-themed TV series, we jumped at the chance.
Our partnership had three main components:
- a game jam for both staff at Mm and the Dreams community, based on the theme “Brand New Planet” (check out our highlight reel of submissions!)
- a space-themed kit of assets created by Matt Bergasse, for community-members to kickstart their own creations in Dreams
- a Twitch stream, featuring Dr. Cox reviewing submissions from the game jam and interacting with audiences live (you can watch it here!)
This was one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on! I loved the breadth of creative (and hilarious) responses to the jam, and I appreciated having the opportunity to do a project that was both entertaining and educational. As the product owner for this project, I ensured that our legal, comms, and release departments were all aligned, and that our partners were both pleased and informed. You can read more about the project in the official blog post.